Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Design Professionals , State Building Office

FAQs for Architects

Individual Architect Registrants

Architecture is a profession that is regulated by the State of Rhode Island. This means that there is a state agency that issues registrations to qualified individuals and regulates the profession. To practice architecture in Rhode Island, you must obtain a registration from the Rhode Island Board of Examination and Registration of Architects at the Department of Business Regulation. Applicants may be registered by examination or reciprocity.

The Rhode Island Board of Examination and Registration of Architects (“Board”) is established and governed by R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 5-1, R. R.I. Gen. Laws Governing Architects, and the Board’s Rules and Regulations for Architects, 415-00-00-1. It is part of the Division of Building, Design and Fire Professionals housed within the Department of Business Regulation. The Board is responsible for licensing architects (“ARCs”), and firms practicing architecture by the issuance of a Certificate of Authorization (“ARC Page 2 of 13 Revised: 9.18.2021 COA”). The Board receives and processes complaints that allege violations of statutory and regulatory provisions under the Board’s jurisdiction. The Board periodically reviews its statutes, regulations, applications, and processes for updating and streamlining.

The Board is comprised of qualified individuals appointed by the Governor to serve on the Board on a voluntary basis. To view information about board member appointments, please visit: Board Member Appointments.

The Board is a public body that generally meets every other month beginning in January. While administrative staff may be able to answer certain routine questions between meetings, matters that require Board action are required to be noticed on the Board’s meeting agenda per the Open Meetings Act, Annual Meeting Notice.

Open Session Meetings are open to the public. Executive Session Meetings are closed to the public.

All meetings are listed on the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s Office (“SOS”). Please visit Open Meetings for this information.

  1. Enter “Architects” in the “Keywords” box
  2. Click the “Search” radio button
  3. Scroll down, and you will see the information for the “Architects, Board of Examination and Registration of.”

All meetings are listed on the Rhode Island Department of State’s Office (“SOS”). Please visit: Open Meetings for this information.

  1. Enter “Architects” in the “Keywords” box
  2. Click the “Search” radio button
  3. Scroll down to “Upcoming Meetings for Keyword Search”
  4. On the left, click the orange “email” button, enter “email address,” click the “verify email button” – on the right, click the down arrow to choose how often you would like to receive the notifications.

Please submit your “Letter of Interest” and “Resume” to

Yes. Board Members of any state architecture licensing board will receive up to four (4) continuing education hours (CEHs) per year for attending licensing board meetings.

Candidates for Registration by Examination

Applicants for licensure by examination must:

  • Possess a professional degree in architecture from an accredited school approved by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB);
  • Pass all sections of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (“NCARB”) Architect Registration Examination® (“ARE®”); and
  • Complete the minimum practical experience per the guidelines on practical experience of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (“NCARB”) Architect Experience Program® (“AXP®”).
  • Yes. The NCARB IPAL Program is accepted.
  • The Program allows Applicants enrolled in an NCARB approved IPAL degree program to take components of the Architectural Registration Examination® (ARE®) prior to graduation.

If you just passed the NCARB (“ARE®”) - Congratulations!

  • Complete the Online Application and make an online Payment of sixty dollars ($60).
  • Contact NCARB and request that they transmit your NCARB Record to the Rhode Island Board. You can do so by logging into your NCARB account at “MY ACCOUNT.”
  • When the Rhode Island Board receives your Online Application and NCARB Record, the Board will review it.
    • If your package can be administratively approved, your approval package will be sent to you, via email, within fourteen (14) to twentyone (21) business days.
  • If your application package cannot be administratively approved, itmust be presented to the Board for review. The Board generally meets on the third Monday every other month. You will then receive the Board’s written decision, via email, approximately fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) business days after that date.

Candidates for Registration by Recipricocity

“Reciprocity” refers to a non-resident registered architect seeking to practice architecture in the state of Rhode Island, R.I. Gen. Laws 5-1-9.

  • Complete the Online Application, elicensing, with Online Payment of sixty dollars ($60);
  • Contact NCARB and request that they transmit your NCARB Record to the Rhode Island Board. You can do so by logging into your NCARB account at “MY ACCOUNT.”
  • When the Rhode Island Board receives your Online Application and NCARB Record, the Board will review it;
    • If your package can be administratively approved, your approval package will be sent to you, via email, within fourteen (14) to twentyone (21) business days.
    • If your application package cannot be administratively approved and must be presented to the Board for review, the Board meets on the third Monday every other month. You will then receive the Board’s written decision, via email, approximately fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) business days after that date.
  • For the “reciprocal registration instructions,” please visit: Reciprocal Registration Instructions.

Certificate of Authorization

A COA authorizes a sole proprietor, corporation, limited liability company (“LLC”), limited liability partnership (“LLP”) or partnership, named in the certificate to practice or offer to practice architecture in the state.

For the definition of “certificate of authorization,” please visit: R.I. Gen. Laws 5-1-2

A COA is required for anyone practicing architecture in RI, whether a sole proprietor, corporation, limited liability company (“LLC”), limited liability partnership (“LLP”) or partnership as outlined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-1-7. 

The structure of the corporation, LLC, LLP or partnership must meet the criteria as outlined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-1-15.1. 

In order to practice or offer to practice architecture in the State of Rhode Island, the following is required:

  • A “person” must hold an individual (personal) registration.
    • This registration expires on December 31st of the odd number years (2021, 2023, etc.)
  • A “firm” must hold a Certificate of Authorization (“COA”). “Firms” can be organized as a Sole Proprietorship, or as a corporate entity: Corporation, Limited Liability Company (“LLC”), Limited Liability Partnership (“LLP”) or Partnership.
  • The COA expires on December 31st of the even numbered years (2020, 2022, etc.).

Registration and COA Renewals

  1. Individual (Personal) Registration Renewal: Please log into your account at  elicensing. Enter the User ID and Password associated with your registration. Complete and submit the online renewal application. If you do not have your User ID and Password, please contact the Board,, for assistance.
  2. COA: Please log into your account at elicensing. Enter the User ID and Password associated with the COA. Complete and submit the COA online renewal application. If you do not have your User ID and Password, please contact the Board,, for assistance.
Type of Registration Fee How Often Due Date
Individual ("Personal") Registration $120 Biennially December 31st of the ODD numbered years (2021, 2023, etc.)
Certificate of Authorization ("COA") for the Firms $0.00 - No Employees
$120 - One (1) or more Employees
Biennially December 31st of the EVEN numbered years (2022, 2024, etc.)
Renewal of an Expired Certificate or Certificate of Authorization $60    
  1. Architect Registration expired less than 6 months:

    If your registration has been expired for not more than six (6) months past the expired date, you can still renew your registration online as follows. Log into your account at elicensing. Enter your User ID and Password to access your online renewal application. Complete and submit your online renewal application. If you do not have your User ID and Password, please contact the Board,, for assistance.
  2. Architect Registration expired 6 months to not more than 2 years:

    If your registration has been expired for a period of six (6) months to not more than two (2) years, please complete and submit the following via mail:
    1. Paper renewal application and tax payer status affidavit located on the Board’s website at the following link: Paper Renewal Application - Tax Affidavit.
    2. A brief outline of activities set forth during the lapsed period, and
    3. A check in the amount of $180 ($120-Renewal, $60-Late Fee) made payable to the “General Treasurer, State of Rhode Island.”
  3. Architect Registration expired greater than 2 years:

    If your registration has been expired for a period of greater than 2 (two) years, you will follow the procedure for a new application.
    • If you were registered by reciprocal registration, please follow the instructions for applying for a reciprocal registration as if you were never registered in RI.

      Please note: The reciprocal application can only be submitted via paper. The paper application can be found when logging into your “MY NCARB” and following the Rhode Island Transmittal Instructions. Do not complete an online application.
    • If you were registered by examination registration, please contact the Board via email, for further assistance.
    • Upon receipt your application will be reviewed.
      • If it can be administratively approved, your approval package will be sent to you, via email, within fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) business days.
      • If your application package cannot be administratively approved and must be presented to the Board for review, the Board meets on the third Monday every other month. You will then receive the Board’s written decision, via email, approximately fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) business days after that date.

Log into your account at elicensing. Enter the User ID and Password associated with the COA. Complete and submit the COA online renewal application. If you do not have your User ID and Password, please contact the Board,, for assistance.

Continuing Education

An architect must complete a minimum of 12 Continuing Education Hours (“CEHS”) each calendar year or be exempt from these continuing education requirements as provided in § 1.8(G) of 415-00-00-1. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in non-renewal of the architect’s registration.

For the “Continuing Education” Regulation, § 1.8, please visit: 415-00-00-1.

All CEHs must be received from Health, Safety and Welfare subjects (“HSW”) and contain the HSW designation on the course completion certificate or AIA transcript. Limited CEHs may be awarded for services on a state architecture licensing board or Page 10 of 13 Revised: 9.18.2021 other RI boards. See Regulation, § 1.8.C and D of the Rules and Regulations for Architects, for further information: 415-00-00-1.


  • CEH in Health, Safety, and Welfare may be awarded for verified membership and service on:
    • A State Board of Registration/Licensure of Architects,
    • A Rhode Island zoning board,
    • A Rhode Island planning board,
    • A Rhode Island historic district commission,
    • The Rhode Island Building Code Standards Committee,
    • The Rhode Island Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, or
    • The Rhode Island Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for Existing Buildings and Structures board.
  • Registrants may claim one (1) CEH per meeting attended up to a maximum of four (4) CEHs per year, with a maximum of eight (8) CEHs per biennium. For each CEH claimed, an architect must be able to prove attendance at one (1) board meeting that was in session for at least fifty (50) minutes. Acceptable proof of attendance includes meeting minutes or recording of meeting demonstrating attendance and participation.
  • No other types of self-reported CEHs qualify for CEH credit in Rhode Island.

A CEH is one continuous instructional hour (50 to 60 minutes of contact) spent in Structured Educational Activities intended to increase or update the architect’s knowledge and competence in HSW.

The Board will accept Nano learning credits for programs less than one (1) full hour in length provided that the program is eligible for HSW credit (following the same criteria for full-length courses set forth in the Board’s Regulations).

CEHs may be acquired at any location, through in-person or remotely delivered instruction. Remotely delivered online courses may be presented either as a live/synchronous course or as an on-demand/pre-recorded/asynchronous course.

Excess Continuing Education Hours may not be credited to a future calendar year.

An architect shall not be subject to these requirements if:

  1. The architect has been granted emeritus/emerita status by the Board; or
  2. The architect otherwise meets all renewal requirements and is called to active military service, has a serious medical condition, or can demonstrate to the Board other like hardship, then upon the Board’s so finding, the architect may be excused from some or all of these requirements.


The continuing education requirements for renewal shall be required at the rate of one CEH per month of registration

  • • An architect shall complete and submit forms as required by the Board certifying that the architect has completed the required CEHs.
  • CEH Forms may be audited by the Board for verification of compliance with these requirements.
  • Documentation of reported CEHs in the form of completion certificates or an American Institute of Architects (“AIA”) transcript shall be maintained by the architect for six (6) years from the date of award.
  • Proof of completion is determined by the Board’s review of completion certificates or an AIA transcript for CEHs that are identified as Health, Safety and Welfare (“HSW”)
  • • If the Board disallows any CEHs, the architect shall have sixty (60) days from notice of such disallowance either to provide further evidence of having completed the CEHs disallowed or to remedy the disallowance by completing the required number of CEHs (but such CEHs shall not again be used for the next calendar year).
  • • If the Board finds, after proper notice and hearing, that the architect willfully disregarded these requirements or falsified documentation of required CEHs, the architect may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 5-1 R.I. Gen. Laws 5-1 and 415-00-00-1.

Contact Information and Email Address

Log into your account at elicensing.

  1. Enter the User ID and Password associated with your Account,
  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click on “ONLINE SERVICES,”
  3. Under “Account,” click “Change Address,”
  4. In the upper left-hand corner, click “Logout,”
  5. If you do not have your User ID and Password, please contact the Board,, for assistance.

Additional Links

For more information about college programs for ARC candidates, please visit: NAAB Programs - Schools.

For more information about gaining the architectural experience, please visit: NCARB - AXP - Experience -Start.

For more information about the Architect Registration Examination® (“ARE®”), please visit: NCARB - Pass the ARE - Start.